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202 8000 icab web

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is a little Eskimo Village Wit:1 a 8C:1001 and approxiInately 20C'inh~bit?nts. ht turned uta pe rfe cf eucceaa, and t:1e.8 irlIloln and )'lis feat will go dowb to posterity in t)'lis placb. T:w white popula~ion tbrewt~eir caps into t~e air) w:listling and s houtd ng, TllO ~tives wer-e mo re reserved in t:wir outburst. away' on tl1eir f~ce6, to be r cp.Iaced by as t.orri.s hmerrt, T:1en the w:1eela left t:1£l ground t:l0 hod.on be came visible under tl1em) ani before t~e natives could recover t~eir power of re~soning t~e miracle was soorinh nigh above their ~eads. Suddenly t:la apparatus das hed off amidst shower of dust ani gravel, and tllS smiles died. i laug~led and s ho ok t:1eir he ads, HOVI 'cou Id i i be possiblo/sUC h a big tning as t:1is, w:lic l required t:le combined efforts of several men to. Landing from an altitude of 3.000 fect under unstable conditivns without ubt. Holding an altit ude 0 f 1, COOfeet for forty minutes without ballust, J using the propeller only to compensate for changes in gas volume. Some of the tests which have been conducted with this new equipment include ~the following: ~ 1. The object in bringing out this special piece of lighter-t~an-air equipment is an attempt to fulfill a hlilitary need for a sraa.L'l and inexpensive balloon to give training to students in ballvoning and parachute jumping, and to provide an economical means for testing newIy developed meteorological Lnst rurnerrts, Parachute landings can easily be simulated with this equipment by using a regular ~~rachute harness and controlling the descent by the use of the propeller, Which involves the same principle as the gradual applicat ion of the bnake s of a motor vehicle going down a steep grade. with its propeller equipment, which ean be made to give a vertical thrust of five pounds either ascending or descending, this small craft is especially suited for making ascensions from gr oundn surrounded by buildings or other obstructions. With this new feature of control it has been found possible to make a quick get-away from most any location without the necessity of weighing off dangerously lif~t, as. This balloon has been undergoing extensive tests in the vicinity of Dayton, makI ng both day and night flights. Flights of three hours' duration have been made with this equipment by a l86-pound man without using the gas valve and during which only one bag of ballast was expended. It can be folded into a smaH enough bundle t'.i be conveniently carried in a Ford oar. The weight of the entire equipment, In cIud i ng bag, rir f ing, basket and propeller mechanism, is only 125 pounds. The ~as bag has a capacity of 5,000 cuo.i c f eet, and is equipped with a gas valve and ri:> pane l, as is the usual practice ~n spherical balloon construction. Pulling th& ribht hand side of the telt causes th~ balloon to ascend. The novel feature of this balloon is a fJO.\7and t h i rd method cf control, which consists of a propeller revolved by a rope belt within convenient roach of the pilot. A patentable interest in the use of this invention for military purposA8 has, however, been tendered to the Governmont. All of the development work connected with this new balloon was car-r-ie d on by the designers outside of their regular duty' hours, and the expAnse incurred was aleo born8 by th6m.

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Adams, of the Lighter-than-Air Section, Engineering Division, McCook Field, Dayton, Ohio. The pur pos e of this letter is to keep the personnel of the i\.ir Service, both in Washington and in the field, informed as to the activities of the Air Service in general, and for release to the public press.Ī new type of spherical balluon has been developed by Mossrs.

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